
Environment and Ecology in the Three Gorges


Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 2017,Vol. 35, No. 2

《影响评价与项目评估》2017 35 2

版权所有 © IAIA 2017


Project splitting in environmental impact assessment


Álvaro Enríquez-de-Salamanca




This paper discusses project splitting in environmental impact assessment (EIA), investigating the current state of knowledge through literature, legislation, case-law and practice, discussing problems and providing solutions. The focus is on Spain, but many of the conclusions are applicable worldwide. Project splitting is a much more common practice than generally accepted. The main efforts have been focused on preventing salami-slicing as a mechanism to avoid the EIA, but it is a much more complex problem, with different ways of splitting and reasons for doing so. Measures to avoid this practice should include strengthening the strategic environmental assessment, a greater involvement of the approval authority, specific prohibitions in regulations, using case-by-case examinations instead of thresholds, compulsory scoping and avoid the exclusion of project parts during the EIA.

Keywords: EIAproject splittingsalami-slicingSpain 



Project splitting in environmental impact assessment


作者:西班牙Álvaro Enríquez-de-Salamanca










Integrating mine closure planning with environmental impact assessment: challenges and opportunities drawn from African and Australian practice


A. Morrison-Saunders, M. P. McHenry, A. Rita Sequeira, P. Gorey , H. Mtegha and D. Doepel






Best practice mine closure planning and environmental impact assessment (EIA) principles share many common features. This research examined how mine closure planning relates to, and can be integrated with EIA by comparing practice in eight African and Australian jurisdictions. Emphasis was placed on key challenges and opportunities associated with: institutional arrangements for mine closure planning; financial mechanisms for mine site closure and rehabilitation including abandoned/legacy mine sites; transparency of mine closure planning and financing provisions; and regulation of artisanal and small-scale mining activity. Data were gathered through document analysis, interviews and interactions with practitioners from Western Australia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia. Issues associated with mine closure planning and rehabilitation under existing arrangements and opportunities for improvement through existing EIA processes already in place in each jurisdiction are explored. All eight jurisdictions have appropriate regulatory provisions in place already, but implementation capacity remains a challenge. Opportunities for effective practice lie in using mine closure planning and EIA measures in an integrated fashion, avoiding duplication and enabling synergies in management to be realised.

Keywords: Mine closure planningartisanal and small-scale miningenvironmental impact assessmentmining securitiesrehabilitation 



Integrating mine closure planning with environmental impact assessment: challenges and opportunities drawn from African and Australian practice


作者:A. Morrison Saunders,M. P. McHenry,A. Rita Sequeira,P. Gorey,H. Mtegha,D. Doepel







Socio-economic and political barriers to public participation in EIA: implications for sustainable development in the Maldives


Mohamed Hamdhaan Zuhair and Priya A. Kurian






Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a policy process that can lead to more sustainable development by preventing or mitigating the negative impacts of development projects. Public participation in the EIA process, especially one based on the ideals of deliberative democracy, is essential to deliver on the goal of sustainable development that is arguably the primary objective of EIA. This article specifically focuses on a study of public participation in the EIA process of the Maldives. Using a qualitative research design involving an analysis of documents and interviews, it investigates four aspects of a deliberative participatory process: fairness, competence, willingness and capacity. The analysis suggests that the process for public participation in the Maldives cannot be characterized as fully fair or competent. It further identifies several socio-economic barriers that affect the capacity and willingness of the actors to participate including political influence, lack of human and financial capacity, gender gap, loss of community spirit and lack of environmental and procedural awareness.

Keywords: Environmental impact assessmentdeliberative democracysustainable developmentpublic participationMaldives



Socio-economic and political barriers to public participation in EIA: implications for sustainable development in the Maldives


作者:马尔代夫Mohamed Hamdhaan Zuhair and Priya A. Kurian







Practice issues for integrating strategic social assessment into the setting of environmental limits: insights from Canterbury, New Zealand


C. Nicholas Taylor and Michael Mackay




There is mounting concern in New Zealand and worldwide about the impacts of current and projected land-use activities on freshwater quality. In 2011, the New Zealand government effected the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, requiring all regional councils to establish freshwater nutrient loads and water allocation measures in their land and water regional plans. These ‘limits’ must achieve locally defined social, economic and cultural outcomes while, as a minimum, halting any decline in water quality. The authors have participated in the Canterbury region’s strategic land and water planning activities. This has involved strategically assessing the social impacts of ‘limit options’ on aspects of catchment life and then integrating them into official reports and community deliberations, which ultimately inform the development of rules for catchment land use. This paper highlights practice issues which were confronted in the process and how they were managed.

Keywords: Social assessmentintegrated assessmentstrategic catchment planningenvironmental limitslocal knowledge


Practice issues for integrating strategic social assessment into the setting of environmental limits: insights from Canterbury, New Zealand


作者:C. Nicholas Taylor and Michael Mackay







Exploring the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) process behaviour using sensitivity analysis


Vincent Onyango





This paper reflects on the results from a study that set out to model the behaviour of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) process as it delivers environmental integration. It applied sensitivity analysis to the English SEA system, whilst viewing the SEA process as composed of a complex interaction of individual elements; through ‘inputs and outputs’ underpinned by negative and positive feedback loops that self-regulate the achievement of environmental integration. The study revealed at least five behavioural characteristics at the level of individual elements based on their relative dominance and consequent influence in process activities. At systemic process level, at least three key behavioural tendencies were identified. Overall, the process was poor in self-regulation, hampered by a lack of adequate feedback mechanisms. No single element or group of elements was critical in shaping process response and self-regulation towards delivering a consistent level of environmental integration.

Keywords: Strategic environmental assessment (SEA)process behaviourSEA elementscyberneticssensitivity analysisEngland SEA




Exploring the strategic environmental assessment(SEA) process behaviour using sensitivity analysis


作者:Vincent Onyango









Improving the quality of environmental impacts assessment reports: effectiveness of alternatives analysis and public involvement in JICA supported projects


Tetsuya Kamijo and Guangwei Huang






This study examined the key factors for improving the quality of environmental impact assessment reports through statistical tests and path analysis. The Lee-Colley review package was used to review the quality of the samples of 120 reports prepared by the Japan International Cooperation Agency dating from 2001 to 2012. The result of the study showed that alternatives analysis and public involvement could be key factors for improving the quality of reports. When the number of public involvement stages went up, the number of evaluation criteria for alternatives analysis showed an increasing trend and the quality of the reports improved. Finally, the study pointed out the effectiveness of alternatives analysis with a wide range of evaluation criteria and public involvement for improving the quality of reports. Further research is needed to explore alternatives analysis and public involvement in more depth as well as to improve the effectiveness of their linkage via more case studies.

Keywords: Alternatives analysispublic involvementstatistical testspath analysisthe Lee-Colley review package 




Improving the quality of environmental impacts assessment reports: effectiveness of alternatives analysis and public involvement in JICA supported projects


作者:Tetsuya Kamijo and Guangwei Huang

摘要:本研究采用数据测试和路径分析的方法探讨了提高环境影响评价报告质量的关键因素。应用Lee Colley审查包对日本国际协力机构从2001年到2012年资助的120个项目中的部分项目的环评报告质量进行了审核。研究结果表明,替代方案分析和公众参与可能是提高报告书质量的关键因素。当公众参与阶段的数量上升时,替代方案分析评价标准的数量呈上升趋势,报告质量也有所提升。最后,研究指出,使用广泛的评价标准来分析替代方案并促进公众参与,能有效提高报告书的质量。有必要开展进一步的研究,通过更多的案例,更深入地探索替代方案分析和公众参与,并有效提高其关联性。


分析;Lee Colley审查包





Unconventional shale gas development: challenges for environmental policy and EA practice


Nonita T. Yap




The growth of unconventional shale gas development has been accompanied by controversy over its environmental and social impacts. This paper reviews recent literature to clarify what is known and not known about the physical, chemical and toxicological properties of the process chemicals and wastewaters generated in hydraulic fracturing, the mechanisms and pathways by which they enter surface water and groundwater aquifers and the risks posed to human and ecosystem health. Assessing the impacts of unconventional shale gas development is clearly constrained by a lack of baseline information, complex hydrogeological histories for natural migration of hydrocarbons, lack of tracers to monitor and verify the source, timing and mechanism of contaminant migration into water resources. This is compounded by lack of transparency and accountability in policy decisions. The paper argues that managing the social and environmental risks of unconventional shale gas development calls for a new generation of impact assessment, one that marries the ideals of strategic environmental assessment, cumulative effects assessment, backcasting and deliberative and inclusive processes of community engagement towards collective risk management.

Keywords: Hydraulic fracturingrisk-based environmental assessmentunconventional shale gas developmentdeliberative and inclusive processcollective risk management 




Unconventional shale gas development: challenges for environmental policy and EA practice


作者:Nonita T. Yap








Systems thinking and SEA


Anastássios Perdicoúlis




Systems thinking seeks ‘how things work’ in an explicit way, considering not only the elements of systems (or processes) but most importantly the relationships between them. Its suggested contribution to SEA is that practitioners and researchers who are either (a) not entirely satisfied by reductionistic approaches based on behaviour or statistics (e.g. ‘black boxes’ or ‘composite points’), or (b) pro-active enough to seek understanding about the SEA process, SEA systems (e.g. per country), as well as the ‘object systems’ of SEA (physical and social structures) will be able to fulfil their curiosity or need for unequivocal and transparent documentation in what respects structure and function.

Keywords: Systems thinkingSEAstructure and functionunderstanding 



Systems thinking and SEA


作者:Anastássios Perdicoúlis






上一篇:IAPA 2017,Vol.35,No.1

下一篇:IAPA 2017,Vol.35,No.3